
Monday, January 21, 2013

Obedience is the key to success!

HELP!!! Hahaha You will never guess what happened to me! Well Remember how I told you that I have been learning how to play the piano? Well I have. I am not anywhere near to being able to play in front of anyone but I am learning little by little. One night we were at the church in Palmdale and the ward mission leader heard me playing. He said that come April I might have to start playing because the piano player is leaving for a mission. I have been praying that I would get a new companion who knows how to play the piano when that day in April finally comes but I have been practicing just in case. On Saturday night we received a phone call from our Branch President asking if we knew how to play the piano. Someone told him I had been learning so he asked if I could play the piano for sacrament. AHHHHH!!!!!!!!! We went to the church for a bit and I practiced but Sunday came quicker then I wanted it to. We saw the President in the hallway and he asked if I was ready. My face said other wise so I think he realized how much I really didn't know how to play. I wasn't nervous but I didn't want to destroy the spirit that would be there during the sacrament. The President eventually decided that we would just sing acapella. I was really grateful for that but I am practicing every chance I get. In fact today I am grateful I can practice more during p-day! Phewf that was a close one though eh? I hope for a second you believe that I actually was going to play because I was actually going to until 10 minutes before sacrament! I need your prayers. Not that I don't mess up but that I can play well enough to have the people sing along with my playing. Remember!? Remember how I don't know how to play the piano at all? It is incredible the amount of talents you gain while on a mission! I am grateful I have the Holy Ghost with me to help me learn quicker. I don't think I would be learning any other way!
This week was Zone Conference! It was really wonderful! I learn a lot! We talked a lot about finding. We are trying to find a lot these days. I can't tell you how many people we went and visited yesterday that used to be taught by missionaries. It was a lot! In all that we found this one girl! Just one! But if she is one of those that is ready to accept the gospel because they "know not where to find it" all that searching was worth it. We are trying to find and find and find. Which doesn't necessarily include knocking and knocking. As President Hall said this week "It is definitely the easiest but it is not the most efficient". I need ideas! We are asking and asking everyone for referrals. Trying to have lessons that get members thinking about friends. Talking to EVERYONE we see! I need finding ideas. So to all those returned missionaries out there that have some sort of finding idea I will gladly take it! We are putting in a lot of effort to find more people right now. It is difficult but in the end we will be finding the right people!
We also talked a lot about Obedience! He pulled out this list and had us take a quiz of 40 different things he wants us to be obedient on. I did better then I thought I would but there are things that I can improve on for sure. One thing that I really am trying to work on his being with my companion. Don't think that I go off and leave her all the time cause I don't at all BUT he wants to be in sight and hearing. Both of us being involved in every conversation we both have. It is going to be a good change for the mission. I am used to talking to other missionaries while my companions talk to someone else. It is a step up from what I have been doing! I feel like I am going from the law to the higher law! I can't remember what else I need to work on right now. I wrote it all down honestly haven't had the chance to back to it. Obedience is something that has always been really important to me. I have a lot to work on! I know that it will make a huge impact on the mission. The more obedient I become the more the Spirit will be able to dwell with me and if I have the spirit I will be able to find more people. It is funny how everything connects! Right?
Oh yeah! Also this week we had a companionship study with our Zone Leaders. I learned a lot! One of the Elders said he was studying more about the image of a missionary meaning how we act and are seen. I had a interesting experience this week. We went to the grocery store with the Elders on a non-p-day but it was because there is a new missionary that needed to by grocery's. While we were there we ran into a member from one of the wards. The first thing she said to us was "Missionaries! Out shopping during the week?" She obviously knew it was a non-pday and that we should be out working. I quickly explained that we had some new missionaries without food and needed to take their grocery's home for them since they are on bike. I am sure she was just joking around but it is true. Members are out there and they are watching. They know the rules and so if we are acting out of line they are on us! The thing is that we shouldn't be doing something that we would be embarrassed to be seen in the first place. Anyway my Zone leader was talking to us about making sure that all of this was in line. It reminded me of that talk about desires by Elder Oaks. I can't remember the exact quote but it is something like thoughts shape desires, desires shape actions, actions shape priorities. It is interesting how it all connects! So since it all starts with thoughts I have been trying really hard to keep my thoughts in the right place. Not think of home, school etc. but focus more on investigators, members, finding activities, etc. It is hard especially now that Satan knows I am trying to be more focused. I only have 5 MONTHS LEFT!!! I feel like I have so much work to do in this short period of time. I wish I would have learned all this when I first got here but I had other things to learn and now I know so these next few months will be a complete change for me!
I love you all! I have to go though! Hope you have a great week!

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