
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Pictures (from two weeks ago)

I decided to send some pictures. The 1st one is previous companion and I. Every week we get asked by the Elders to make something for district meeting. Apparently the Elders like to think that because we are Hermanas we like to bake all sorts of treats and goodies for them. Haha good one Eh? I just wonder when they think we have the time. I barely have time to breath let alone bake for someone. The first transfer I was here the Elders kept joking that they wanted us to be Emergency transfered in order to bring in Hermanas that will bake for them. Haha! I think they have learned to live without treats everyweek! My companion decided to cave one week but for a good reason. One of the Elders in our district was going home and so she made some brownies. My only contribution was the airplane! If you don't know what that blue mess in the middle is it is an airplane! Haha I know a pretty sad airplane! It ended up being okay but at first it looked like a blue mess. We had to document our efforts. 

The second picture is my poor companion. She ALWAYS gets hurt. This particular day was my fault. We were riding along and I saw a branch head towards my face.... or rather I had aimed my face directly in line with this branch. My natural reaction was to duck but my poor companion didn't see it and got attacted. I didn't realize that it had happened until we got to our destination. Her face screamed "oh hermana pez!" I felt really bad but I did laugh pretty hard. We always had a lot of fun together!

The thrid picture was my companions birthday. The Elders made her a birthday card. I don't know if you can tell but it is a picture of bike handles and a car door. The reason behind it being someone opened the car door as she was going by and she totally hit it. The whole mission knows about this little accident because everytime our mission nurse is in conferences and talking about health she brings it up saying "be careful with car doors" to which everyone starts laughing.
The fourth picture is my Zone leaders. We are blessed to have them in our district! This day we went and studied with them in the park. They have been studying with all the missionaries in the zone and helping them improve things. It was a really great session. We really like our zone leaders. They are very wise!
The fifth pictures is a few weeks ago. My companion and I got invited over to this house for birthday cake. This is the family of the 17 year old that got baptized a few weeks ago. Remember the miracle boy? Yeah his family. It was a really interesting experience. The reason this birthday boy looks so tired is because it is 8'o-clock in the morning! I don't know who would want to have cake in the morning but we sure went and supported. Apparently a tradition is to play this certain song in the morning really loud to wake up the birthday person. It is a latin tradition and it usually has the name of the person celebrating in the song. So we get there he is sound a sleep on the couch. We just sit there and watch him wake up. Everyone but the mom was asleep. It was a little awkward! But really funny!
The sixth picture is the cutest kids you will ever see in your WHOLE entire life! The one with her eyes close is so funny! I will have to have her sing a song for me and get it on camera. The mom just had a baby this week so we went over this last week to see it. He is so little! The one holding the baby will be a heart breaker but I think I am more worried about the boys. She is one tough cookie! And the boy is just so sweet! He wants to move to Africa and help the kids when he grows up. The kicker is that he is only 8! I don't even think I thought of things like that when I was young! I am grateful to know them so I can watch them grow up!
The seventh is our friend Dani. He has this super sweet bike. We went for a bike ride with him and took him to ice cream for his birthday. We are trying to get him to come back to church but we have yet to get him there. He is so cool though! He just has a super big heart! I want everyone to be friends with him.
The last one was yesterday at conference. Hermana P got the same bag as me awhile ago but she didn't think we would be companions. Now she begs me to wear it so we are twins. I try to avoid matching my companions as much as possible but every now and then I pull it out. The bag I use now is way better for biking but since it was conference I decided to change it up. Jorge (our dear dear friend) (I think his real name is Yosi) got a hold of her bag so we took a picture. I love Jorge! He is so great! He takes us to dinner whenever we don't have food which is usually a two times a week. He is super funny! He works for this company repairing things. He works a lot in the houses of famous people so he tells us about them sometimes. Most the time he doesn't even realize who the people are. For example last week he was at someone's house and he told us that this famous person was just chilling with his girlfriend. Since we know who the girlfriend is we said the name asking if it was her and he replied in spanish "Oh yeah her!" haha It is crazy how many people who meet around here who clean houses for famous people but they don't even know them. I have decided I am going to come back and work with Jorge so I can see all these beautiful homes he goes into.

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